Friday, September 28, 2007

Warren Jeffs Found Guilty

Those of you who participated in our blog poll (6) were right — Warren Jeffs was found guilty! That just proves that our friends and family are perfect predictors of the future! Kirk and Kenny are pretty relieved to have most of the media circus over - at least until the end of November when the sentencing will take place and then Jeffs will be sent to Arizona to face charges there. Kirk tried to stay out of sight of the media, but Kenny had to be at the courthouse everyday and had to stay there even while the Jury was deliberating, so Christan is happy to see her husband a little more often.


Pauline said...

That was pretty predictable but sometimes we don't know with our court system.

Shellie said...

Even though Kenny put in way too many hours I think that would have been awesome to hear the trial first hand like he did. What an experiance!