Thursday, October 9, 2008

Conference in the Mountains

Kirk and I spent the entire conference weekend up at our Kolob cabin. The leaves are just starting to turn, and it was so quiet and peaceful. It rained all day and night Saturday, but that just made it extra cozy inside listening to conference, popping popcorn, drinking hot chocolate, watching movies, and relaxing.

Conference was wonderful—I especially enjoyed President Monson's Sunday morning talk (although it made me cry when he reminded everyone to enjoy the everyday moments, especially with your family, because before you know it they are grown and gone). It was an amazing talk. Its probably something we should re-read once a month. Here's a link:,5232,23-1-947-26,00.html. Kirk then drove down off the mountain Saturday night to go to the Priesthood session in LaVerkin all alone. Its the first time in about 23 years (since Mike was 12) that he has gone to the General Priesthood Meeting alone, without at least one of his sons. He didn't go to the traditional after-priesthood-meeting seafood dinner, since there was no one to take. Life is a changing - its a little sad sometimes, but we're hanging in there and finding fun things to do together.


Shellie said...

Those are beautiful pictures! I'm glad you guys had a good time at the cabin. You've never really had the "empty nest" blues until now. I know it's lonely sometimes but just remember that if you need a grandkid fix I've got 2 of them down here just a quick 2 hour drive away. We love to see grandma joanie and grandpa kirk so come ANY time you want!!!

Pauline said...

You mean it gets worse than I am feeling it right now? Oh great. Not so sure I can handle it. We will have to do lunch more often I guess

Lisa said...

Awesome pictures! I love fall, and I think it's neat that you guys got to spend it at your cabin. The funny thing is, since Greg and I don't have kids yet, is that we have lots in common with couples like you guys whose kids are grown, vs. couples our age who have two or three kids and are so busy with their young families. It's good to enjoy each stage of life!

Jeff and Julie's Family said...

I love the fall colors up there. Sounds like a relaxing weekend. I loved President Monson's talk and I am trying to enjoy the piles of laundry. (ha, ha) It gave me new perspective on enjoying my children right now and enjoying the journey.