Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fun in D.C.

Christan and I and the kids had a great time at the National Zoo. Bailey was really good at mimicking the monkey statues, Corbin loved crawling in the dinosaur head, and Drew spent a lot of time exploring the maze in the prairie dog playground. Oh yeah, and we liked seeing the animals too!

We were able to have a tour of the Lincoln memorial, and see the changing of the guards at Arlington National Cemetery. What a reverent, spiritual place that is. Kirk scheduled us all a tour of the White House through Representative Matheson's office. We got Bailey out of school. Christan got a babysitter for Drew. Kenny got a day off work. We drove an hour into D.C., and arrived about 45 minutes early - we were so excited about it. But, you may notice we don't have any pictures of the White House interior. That's because when we arrived at the gates, the guards told us that Matheson's office had made a mistake and told us the wrong time. . . the tours were already over! Arghh! Oh well, the very best part of visiting the D.C. area is always the time we are able to spend with Kenny's family.

Kirk and Kenny fit in their traditional shark tooth hunt of course, and we enjoyed many fun meals around the kitchen table. Here, we are trying out Bailey's chopsticks that Bri helped me pick out in China.

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