Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes!

This is what Shellie's family looked like the day before they finally started turning the corner and feeling a little better. The second picture is the first happy faces we had seen for quite a while. Shellie's little Caynen was admitted to the hospital to get some IV fluids because he was so dehydrated with rotavirus. He couldn't keep anything down and he didn't want to drink anything either (can't blame him when everything he would drink would come right back up - or out!). They had to keep him 2 1/2 days because he just wasn't responding like they hoped he would. They have to be so careful with the little ones. While he was in the hospital, Abby got the same thing, so George and I took care of her while Shellie stayed in the hospital with Caynen. We were afraid Abby might have to be admitted to the hospital too, but George was finally able to get some medicine in her that stopped her from throwing up anymore. It didn't prevent the tons of diaper changes that we had to go through - and her raw little bottom. When Shellie brought Caynen home from the hospital, Abby wanted to sleep with me. She was so sick, but it was nice to have her there snuggling by me. I think it made us both feel better. We were able to keep Abby out of the hospital, but the next thing you know, George had his own bout with the sick stomach. Luckily, it was only a 24-hour bug. What a crazy place that was. So glad everyone is finally healthy now.

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