Where is Christan when we need her? Oh, the pain of losing our beautician! Since Kenny and Christan moved, Scott has had to pay for his haircuts. So he decided to save money this time and do it himself—not such a great idea - especially since he did it with his shaver! He knew it was bad - but he didn't have a mirror to see the back, so he didn't know just how bad. When I saw it, I immediately left work and took him to Evans Hairstyling College right by the Dixie State College. I snapped a picture before we went in so he could see exactly how bad it was. Here's the email thread that followed after I sent these photos to the family:
Wait. What is this? What happened?!?! Someone fill me in!—Shellie
I'm not sure if he was going for the cancer patient, burn victim, or horror movie look, but what ever it was, he got it. When Mom took him to get it fixed, he told the girl that his roommates held him down and cut it against his will. You can't make this stuff up. —Kenny
Hi guys,
If you think Scott looks scarey to us, just look at the expression on the face of the guy in the car next to him. I'm pretty sure he has just decided he doesn't want his hair styled at Evans. —Dad
Gotta love our one-of-a-kind Scottie!—Mom
I'm glad you put this on your blog! This is one that Scott is not going to be able to live down!! What a great story we can tell for a LONG time!!
All I can say is....dang, how did he do THAT bad? Kudos to me for figuring out that he did it with his shaver!! ;o)
BOYS that is really all I have to say it really sounds like a normal boy thing.
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