Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Abby!

We had a great time celebrating Abby's 1st Birthday on Saturday. She enjoyed every minute of the excitement — especially eating cake and riding in her new car. She was happy the whole day — I've hardly ever seen her not happy. And she's sure loved by her Mom and Dad and the rest of us in the family. Abby's party made me a little nostalgic, so I went home and found a couple of photos from Shellie's first birthday. Do you think she and Abby look anything alike?


Christan said...

Other than the hair, they look exactly alike! What cute little chubby cheeks! :0)

Scott and Megan said...

oh my gosh, I never even have seen baby pictures of shell...but holy cow those are identical! I want to nibble on those cheeks! good work Grandma Joanie! Shellie is a perfect genetic specimen!

Pauline said...

Yes they look very much alike kind of like Brit and Raylie. It is like Da ja vu sometimes when I see Raylie do you get that with Abby?

The Isoms said...

They do look a lot alike! So cute!